Introduction of Iraq
Iraq(Republic Of Iraq) has a land area of 438,300 square kilometers. The country is divided into 18 provinces and the capital is Baghdad. In 2022, Iraq’s population will be 42.25 million.
Gross domestic product (GDP) of Iraq in 2021: $201.5 billion. GDP per capita: $4,892.There are 778,000 Iraqi troops.
Introduction of Iraq Army
Iraq built up an army with British help after independence in 1921. In the 1930s, they established Air Force and the Navy.
The Iraq armed forces divide into two parts During Saddam’s time. Regular armed forces (including the land force. Navy, Air Force, Republican Guard, and People’s Army).
Paramilitary forces: (including supporters of the Arab Baath Party and Saddam’s death squads). Iraq’s armed forces equipped dozens of camouflage patterns since the Iran-Iraq War.
Iraq Military Army Uniform 1980-1990

Replica French lizard camouflage. Use by the Republican Guard during 1980-1990.

Iraq brushstroke pattern. Design based on the Belgian M54 brush camouflage. The camouflage brushed patches of tan and green on a light brown background. Use after the Iran-Iraq War. Iraqi airborne troops still wore this camouflage at the start of the Persian Gulf War.

Popular Army leaf pattern. Design based on US M1948 ERDL camouflage.
Used by the People’s Army during 1980-1990. Also used by the Republican Guard.
Iraq Military Army Uniform 1990-2000

Iraq woodland-leaf pattern. It is a variation of the People’s Army’s vein pattern camouflage. Use by some parts Iraq army from 1990-2000.

Woodland camouflage. Derive from the vein pattern camouflage of the People’s Army, used by some Iraq troops.

The Iraqi DPM. A copy of the British DPM, used by the Iraq Army throughout the 1980s and 1990s

Iraq occupied Kuwait in 1990. Iraq army gets Lots of uniforms from the Kuwait military depot. At that time,the standard uniform of Kuwait is desert DPM.

Iraq’s Army weakened in the Persian Gulf War. The quality of military uniforms has declined.
Iraq Military Army Uniform From 2000

Iraq desert spot pattern launched in 1990. It is the last self-designed camouflage during Saddam’s reign.
The pattern is a tan background with reddish-brown, olive-green, and irregular black spots. Lots of uniforms were used by the Iraqi security forces formed after 2003.

Six-color desert provided by the U.S. Army. FIF used it after the Gulf War.
Iraq government forces disbanded in May 2003. In June of the same year, the United States began to form the Iraqi security forces. It consists of NIA and the police. But they don’t use unified uniforms. Some use the new styles. But some still use the old style.

The first uniform of the new Iraq army is an imitation-style version of the U.S. six-color desert.

The Kuwaiti four-color was used by both the Iraq Nouvelles and police forces.

Blue DPM camouflage is a special camouflage uniform for Iraq police and special forces. The same style is also used by the Kuwaiti National Police.

Desert camouflage was introduced in 2005. Just for the 36th Iraqi Anti-Terrorist Commando.

Iraq National Police digital camouflage. Iraq began to use digital camouflage patterns in 2006.

Kurds in Iraq make up 22% of the population. The most populous minority in Iraq. Mainly live in the three northeastern provinces of Iraq.
Kurds have been fighting for autonomy since the 1920s. They have tens of thousands of armed personnel. And have been carrying out anti-government armed activities.